Impianto Manutenzione della Corrente elettrica (IMC) di Cagliari
Train Maintenance Building - Cagliari
Executive Design
- Engineering

Static check and seismic vulnerability assessment of the “Villa Angelita” building in Anzio, located in Via Del Faro, crossing Via Petronio.
INEA has received the commission for the executive project of the electrical power maintenance plant (IMC) in Cagliari, Italy,
There are planned intervention of enhancement of the electrical power maintenance plant, property of Italian Railway Network.
Nowadays, in Cagliari IMC, is carried out the first level and corrective maintenance of the DMU trains, the purchase of new trains ATR 365 and ATR 465, has made necessary an upgrade intervention within the maintenance centre, with a creation of new maintenance workstations for the maintenance of ATR 365 and ATR 465 trains.
There have been planned civil works, necessary for the internal adaptation of "Shed 1", its prolongation, the modifications of the courtyard areas and of the “ITR” buildings and “Changing Rooms”.
The interventions will be divided in six successive executive phases, coherently with the needs of the client.
Within Cagliari IMC, there are buildings realised in the second half of the 900's, with steel structure and trusses, roof and walls in corrugated sheet.
The existing complex is articulated in more adjacent buildings: the “Shed 1” it’s dimensionally most relevant, with a length of 112.0 m and a width of 109.0 m, place to cover twelve rails and some workshops and services (total surface of 12.208 m2).
Near the “Shed 1” there is “Shed 3”, a building long 50.00 m and wide 53.00 m (total surface of 2.650 m2).
The “Minuetto shed”, adjacent to the thermal power station the building “ITR” and the building
“Changing Rooms”.
The first four phases of intervention will concern the “Shed 1”, where twelve rails will be transformed in ten workstations, there will be made ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations, and an extension.
The fifth phase will cover the buildings "ITR” and the building “Changing room”, whose implant will be modified coherently with the needs of the client.
The buildings will be object of maintenance and will be increased the energy performance.
The sixth and final phase of intervention provides for the creation of a washing table in correspondence of “Carbonaia” rail.
Client: Italian Railway Network (RFI)
Contractor: Italferr
Consultant: INEA