El Khayyat Restyling Project - Fase 2
El Khayyat Restyling Project- Phase 2
- Architecture

Preliminary, final, and executive design, for the second phase of the Restyling project of El Khayyat Commercial Centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in order to continue the commercial centre Restyling with a modern and luxury project, inspired to the highest luxurious standards of shopping malls.
The second phase of El Khayyat Commercial Centre Restyling project in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, aims to continue the modernisation project, started in 2014, in order to maintain intact its aesthetical quality, that makes the building a reference for the architecture in Jeddah.
The project is luxurious and modern, it’s articulated in different items: the Main Entrance renovation, the renovation of the three back entrances, the parking entrance renovation, the replacement of the gallery ceiling panel, and the outdoor lighting project surrounding the commercial centre.
The entrances renovation is characterized by the use of luxury coating materials, extreme attention to the details, a sinuous and warm spatiality: polychrome marble, mosaics, mirrors, metallic golden mounts, revolutionize the entrances image, with a design modern and attractive.
At the moment, the parking entrance is presented as a secondary entrance, poorly characterized and without identity.
The project involves the demolition of the existing guardhouse, and its replacement with a new one, integrated with the existing building, and characterized by the presence of sculptural golden elements, visible from the main road.
The golden sails, the presence of the fountain, the new bicolour floor in granite, the substitution of the outdoor wall lighting elements, give back to the parking entrance its architecturally important role.
The existing gallery ceiling is too thin, and has not the slope necessary for the proper disposal of rainwater.
INEA has studied the problem and found a solution, studying a new white perforated panel
with a specific pattern.
A sample of the new panel has been studied, produced and place on site as a small mock up.
The result has been satisfying from a functional and aesthetic point of view.
The Jeddah municipality reduced the amount of lighting poles near the El Khayyat Center parking areas.
It has become necessary improving the existing lighting and to replace the existing lighting poles with a new model, more modern and less impactful.
The architectural project represents the synthesis between the architectural contemporary expression and the existing one, in order to maintain the architectural central role of one of the most important commercial centre in Saudi Arabia.
Client: El Khayyat Group
Consultant: INEA